Ready to pay 10-12k more for your BMS Degree?


The current fees of BMS ranges from Rs. 16,000 – Rs. 20,000/-

Mumbai University all set to hike fees for BMS between Rs. 10,000 – 12,000/- per year.

While Colleges welcome the move, Parents Teachers Association wants hike to be more reasonable.

Sources said that the Fee Fixation Committee will take a final decision on June 19th, 2012.

Reasons for fee hike – 

  • To maintain the quality of education
  • NET-SET approved teachers are appointed and they have to be paid salary according to the 6th Pay Commission.
  • Salaries to teachers are generated through the students fees.
  • Autonomous institutes charge fees double of what is charged in Mumbai colleges.

Reasons for Moderate fees-

  • BMS is a job-oriented course
  • Poor students should be able to afford the fees


While the FYBMS Admission process has already begun for the year 2012, the Prospectus mentions clearly in case there is any fee hike, the fees will be accordingly revised or we can expect the fee hike decision to be implemented from next year.


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