Reasons For Ecological Imbalance


Reasons For Ecological Imbalance


1)    Lack of cooperation, more competition

There is lack of co-operation among the major nation, to help in resolution of current environmental problems. The problems are not addressed in a realistic way. Some of these nations, moreover, are the most offenders. Instead of co-operation, competition in the present practice. As a result, eco balance has been deteriorated drastically.


2)    Uncontrolled exploitation and utilization of resources

Uncontrolled exploitation of non-renewable resources and over- utilization of resources for economic growth without considering ecological viability is another important reason for eco-imbalance.


3)    Environmental pollution

Inefficient or backdated technologies are creating havoc with the pollutants leading to pollution loads in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. therefore, normal functioning of the atmosphere is disrupted significantly, and causing global environmental problems like the green house effect, ozone holes, acid rains, global warming, climate change etc.


4)    Inappropriate management  of waste

Wastes generated from industrial as well as agricultural activities are not managed properly. A huge amount of solid and hazardous waste are discarded or disposed to the environment without considering the health of the ecosystem. Major creeks have been used for dumping of the waste therefore causing imbalance in the oceanic environment.


5)    Population explosion

Population growth is the mother of all environment degradation. Over-populated areas are generally have the problem of deforestation, destruction of biodiversity, lack of resources, regeneration, etc. consequently, changes in the landscape. Ecological states and environmental pollution takes place and at any cost ethics for business come into play. Therefore, the ecological balance is again disrupted.



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