Recipes for Cocktails you can try at Home


homemade recipe

Are you someone who enjoys a glass of wine at home in the company of family and friends? Do you like to have a drink in the comfortable atmosphere of your house? But what you want is the drink in the fashionable glass with the garnish of mint just the way you have it in the restaurant. Then why not tickle yourself to the idea of making it at home. It isn’t rocket science which needs you to know the law of making a drink. All it needs is some interest and the excitement to try something new. I am sharing a few simple recipes you could try at home and enjoy with your loved ones.


For the Vodka Loyalist – Vodka Martini with a Cranberry Kiss

Serves 6 – Takes 5-10 minutes to make, but freeze vodka for three hours beforehand


  • 200ml vodka, chilled
  • 300ml cranberry juice, chilled
  • 30ml dry vermouth
  • Plenty of ice
  • 2 limes


  1. Put a bottle of vodka in the freezer for a few hours before making these cocktails.
  2. Put chilled vodka, chilled cranberry juice and dry vermouth into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake to mix.
  3. Pour into cocktail glasses and decorate the rim of each glass with a pared strip of lime zest. To make the zest curl, use a canelle knife to pare the zest around the middle of the lime. Alternatively, just decorate each glass with a slice of lime.

For Chocolate Lover’s – Chocolate Goddess Cocktail


  • 20 ml chocolate liqueur
  • 20 ml hazelnut liqueur
  • 25ml coffee liqueur
  • 20 ml Irish cream whiskey (such as Bailey’s)
  • 2 teaspoons of chocolate powder


1. Shake and double strain with sieve into a martini or coupe glass.

  1. Garnish with a dusting of chocolate powder.


For Fruit Lover’s – Cherry Negroni


  • 3 Maraschino cherries
  • 20ml gin
  • 20ml campari
  • 15ml cherry brandy
  • 7ml sweet vermouth
  • Ice


1. Muddle the cherries in a rocks glass and add the spirits. Add ice and stir.

2. Once the drink is chilled, garnish it with a cherry and a twist of orange.


The name suggests it all – Cosmopolitan


  • 35ml citron vodka
  • 15ml Cointreau / Triple sec
  • Juice of 3 freshly squeezed limes
  • 15ml cranberry Juice


  1. Shake and strain all the ingredients into a chilled martini glass.
  2. Garnish with flamed orange.

Try these at home and have a wonderful time. Cheers!

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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namrata desai


  1. Excellent recipes! I am having a party at home next weekend and I will surely make these yummy cocktails! I usually buy KDD harvest’s Lychee, cranberry and guava juice and make cocktails with them. Thanks for sharing these.. Hoping it will be a hit!

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