Relationship Success Tips : How To Maintain Your Personal Identity In A Relationship


personal identity           

Relationship is something which has different meaning to every individual. Every person has a different way to express it. For some through silence, everything is said while for some even words spoken are less in a relationship. Most of us believe that relationship is only meant to give without expectation but these are just lines which look good in books, in reality and especially in today’s world where nothing goes for free, so in a way there is expectation in relationship too.

            For example, If there is love and efforts made by just one person among both the partners such a relationship will go through lot of difficulties because at a point, the person who is doing everything for the relationship will get tired and finally give up so in a relationship too there is expectation.

  In a relationship it is often said we get blind and forget everything which is in a way okay, unless you don’t end up doing something wrong, but it is really wrong to forget yourself in a relationship and lose your individuality. Here are some ways you can keep your individuality in a relationship.

  • Speak out how you feel

We all are afraid to lose our special one but that doesn’t mean you do not express your feelings. For example, when you do not like certain thing in the person do tell the person as he/she has full rights to know everything especially when it is about you. If the person really loves you will respect your feelings and understand why and what you say.

  • Do not let the person Dominate you

No matter how much you love the person never let anybody dominate you as you are a person with self-respect. This can be done in very polite manner rather than being rude or harsh. When you now he/she is trying to dominate you, make the person understand it is not right to do, the best way you can do it.

  • Say No

It is very important to say ‘NO’ when you know something is wrong. When you are in a relationship there are situations when the person might demand something wrongly but that doesn’t mean just out of love say Yes .You know it is wrong so also have the courage to say ‘No’. This will raise your respect in front of your partner as he/she may have said it to know that you are standing for the Right and if not by your opinion he/she would know that they are wrong. This way you keep your individuality and also your responsibility. As a relationship doesn’t only mean to love but also correct your partner when he/she is wrong.

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