

“RELATIONSHIP”  the word relationship means it is the state of being connected or related, the state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings. The 1st relation whom you come across is with your family. They are the one who help you to survive through tough times and brings joy and happiness into our life. They make us understand and also teach us the value of love,affection,care, truthfulness and self-confidence. In which you have your mom who bought you into this world, the one who gave you life,who cared for you and who looked after you and who loves you unconditionally and then comes your dad who is the first man in your life and teaches you responsibility, being independent,pay for your expenses. Then we have our relative who support system of family,we can share our sorrow and grief and double our happiness.after our relatives then comes is our friends who stands and support us in all the mischievous and also who we feel more comfortable in sharing our secrets as well as with whom we all try to break our rules and restrictions.

relationship readiness

           And then comes is our feelings towards opposite sex- the feelings of so much happiness and excitement and feelings that you just cant hide and it keeps you inspierd. The feelings which a boy and girl have towards each other could be an infactuation or love. Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. What is infactuation or love? LOVE: Always takes considerable time for growing. INFACTUATION: Getting attracted to a person and the feelings get over fast. FACTS about GUYS : They prefer neat and presentable girls. They love flirts. They finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else. Guys they love you more than you love them if they are serious about your relationship. FACTS about GIRLS: They hate when they are lied. They always want some actions greater than words. They all are a big drama queens. A girl will always think she looks fat,no matter what. Girls are absolute suckers for mushy and thoughtfull gifts. A BF/GF- Who you are destined to belong.

Whatever your choice be it will be your second priority  because the first and the most important is: “RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD”


AUTHOR : Christina 



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