Rendezvous with Mr. Kartik Raichura , Founder & CEO of Management Paradise


Mr. Kartik Raichura, Founder & CEO of Management Paradise who is “Driven by Passion to Achieve Excellence” has created an excellent niche. Management Paradise came into existence in November 2004 when Mr. Kartik Raichura was still a student.

In his interview he states, Management Paradise has amplified its vision over the years with cherished partnerships with India’s Premier Institutes like the IIM’S (Indore, Calcutta, Kozhikode).

Talking about his aspirations & dreams and the spirit to fulfill them, he believes that “The world might not be ready for your innovations; your ideas may be laughed or frowned upon. But if you truly feel that your idea is going to help change lives, nothing should stop you giving it your best shot. Your passion will drive your team to achieve excellence”.

Management Paradise has emerged & flourished with more than 15000 visitors every day & one million pages views every month. At Management Paradise one can accomplish your goals by collaborating with likeminded individuals who can help each other to accomplish individual goals.

Human Beings Learn by Experimenting & hence following the same phenomenon in real life Mr. Kartik Raichura was never shy of experimenting. The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. The greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.

As it is said “When you cease to dream you cease to live”. Hence follow your dreams and put in your heart and soul to achieve it.

Mr.Kartik Raichura – Entrepreneur of the Week Article of FPJ

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