Repco Bank, Chennai, will probably declare the results of Probationary Officer and Junior Assistant/ Clerk posts in the last week of January 2015. The online written examination was conducted on January 8 and 9, 2015.
The results will be uploaded on the official website of REPCO bank. Results can be downloaded using the following steps:
-Visit the official website of Repco Bank
-Click the link titled as Repco Bank PO exam results 2014.
-Candidates can enter their name, registration no and other details as instructed.
-Submit the entered data to view the results.
-Repco Bank PO exam results 2014 will appear on the screen.
Repco Bank PO and clerk exam was conducted for a total of 200 marks with five sections (Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Computer & Marketing and General Awareness).
Candidates are required to obtain minimum qualifying marks fixed for each section. The bank will decide the cut-off marks for each section and overall cut-off to select the candidates.