Reservation and Management Quota Seats for BMS


1. The reservation for-different reserved categories i.e. B.C. /O.B.C. and other are

as under % Allocation seats :- 

i)  13% Seats:  S.C.

ii)  7% Seats: S.T.

iii)  3% Seats: D.T. (A)

iv)  2.5% Seats: N.T. (B)

v)  3.5% Seats: N.T. (C)

vi)  2% Seats: N.T. (D)

vii)  19% Seats: O.B.C.

viii) 3% Seats    :  Ward of Govt. transferred Employees/Ward of Servicemen/Ward of Ex-servicemen/Ward of Freedom-fighter /Sports /ECA /Handicapped /Widow or Divorcee.


2. The Quota:-      

(a) Non-minority Colleges

(i) 15% Seats: – Management Quota in non minority colleges

(b) Minority Colleges

(i) 50% Seats: – Minority Quota includes Management quota (i.e. 15%) (in case college has been granted minority status)

(ii) Of remaining 50% seats, 50% seats for reservations as indicate at Sr. No. (i) Students and 50% for Open category students

(iv) Fees: – Strictly as prescribed by the University

(v) No. College/s shall conduct its own CET or Test for admission to any course of University unless it is an autonomous college

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  1. GM Sir, I m Yash From Bhopal I have applied for HR, MithiBai. Syedham, RA Podar, KJ Colleges. And I got 70% in My 12th Correct This.
    Can I get Admission In any of this and whats the probablity in which list my name come.
    in Elphinstone College My name came in 1st list for BCOM but there is no BMS So i want to wait can u please help me

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