Reservation in India: The Youth Speaks Up!



The concept of caste based discrimination is not new to our country and has its root from past thousands of years; however in past 60 year of independence the intensity has increased. Earlier it was blindly followed tradition now it is well written in the state of administration. Earlier Brahmins were holding the upper hand, not the tables have turned against their favour.

Reservation was started on a trial basis of 5 year post independence for the economically and socially backward category to have equal opportunity for representation in the country development. However given the circumstance reservation acts as a barrier for the growth of entire nation and is causing severe damage to the integrity of the constitution. The “right to equality” is been continuously challenged openly by reservation.

Started with mere 6% quote the system is spreading like cancer cell into all parts of the countries bodies and is now held up at 50-50 level for reserved and general category. Days are not far when seats in public transport will also bear the ‘reserved category’ marks.


Politicians from various constituencies are using this system to gain an edge over opponent in election campaigns thus providing it a political angle. Also some are suggesting the barriers to be installed in corporate sectors and further obstruct growth.

Ask the youth and not many are in favour of reservation as it leads to clear indiscrimination amongst people of same country. Many have talent but are deprived of opportunity due to undue advantage given to priority class. Youth of all background are severely opposing reservation and a wave of uproar is about to erupt on social media.

Many youth have complained reservation as de-motivating factor which had lead to a severe brain drain in late 90’s.

Whoever may be gaining from the perspective of reservation, it is loss to entire nation. Reservation is driving our country back to medieval age where we were vulnerable to external threats.

Sometimes it also makes me feel, was her majesty’s imperial rule better? Which saw each one of us equal and unified us?

Whatever the cause, “Reservation divides us into two India” which could also be a self destructive mode.!!

Vibhav Galadagekar

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