Respecting age and experience


The number of older respected people is very large in our country .Many have earned the respect by their hard work and enthusiasm thus number is rapidly increasing.  Unfortunately many  are forced retirement, leaving people with an inadequate earnings.

Many of these persons were at their crest when they are turned out to pasture. Finally, age discrimination makes it difficult for them to find another job.How can we use the talents and abilities of older citizens and give them opportunities to be productive members of the workforce? How can they continue to be proud and productive in the growth of nation?  Respecting age and experience is a way to help put them back to work.

I would like to talk about a gentleman Sri I G Raghava Reddy, retired DIG of police from Hyderabad..He is a beneficiary of “Indian police Medal” for commendable services. He is also   conferred with prestigious “President’s Police Medal “for his eminent services. Despite many ailments, the man  is giving his liberated services to  National  Police Academy  for IPS officers and National Institute  for Rural Development  Hyderabad and Swami Ramananda Thrtha  Institute  of Socio-economic  Research in  Hyderabad.  He says  the life  can give you hundred reasons to cry but you give life  thousand reasons to smile .

He is 83 years of age  underwent  two bypass  surgeries ,major part of  abdomen removed  owing to cancer  which caused sightlessness   in one eye  still manages an orphanage  and free coaching for the candidates  appearing for  competitive exams With all these  traumatic ailments, he is competing  with youngsters  at this age  and wrote  about 250  inspiring blogs  to change the life of hundreds of youngsters .

In our country people in their 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s have become excellent social worker even human resources, with great experience and stability. They have worked out so well that we can share our success with entire world. Hence I am writing this article as a -supported contribution of our elders to our country.

It is my beliefe that respecting our elders will not only benefit our country but our own persona as well .I am indebted to read few articles of  this  gentleman Mr.  I G Raghava Reddy.The man is   self motivated with strong will power, a deserving person who at the age of 83 despite many illnesses competes with young people. I sincerely appreciate your work sir!  and salute to your  enthusiasm .

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Kamlesh Bahukhandi
I hate dogs. I' love to be alone sometimes. I like to read, write, travel and dance a lot. My nails are bad; I have degrees in Business Management (MBA) and Mass Communication. I don’t want to be any one else. I love being myself. I make good tea; I like eggs, tea and milk. I love colors, they decide my mood. I love music; it can change the way I am feeling. I like sweets. I like food; I am a self-confessed tea addict. I hate being too formal. I talk less. I could do the washing though I have a very successful career. I like vanilla ice cream. I'm right handed. I always felt bad for lost in love. I am allergic to dust, cats, pollen, soap, powder and strong perfumes. I like to drive fast. I cry at sad movies. When I was a kid, the only thing I could draw was a half face. I don’t believe on horoscopes for the moment, and astrology. I grew up in a small village, I am a village boy. I wet my toothbrush before putting the toothpaste on. I like tea very much (did I say that already). I was popular in College. My favorite place is Italy, for now. I am not able to understand why people watch Star Trek. I type with all fingers. I have lost many good friends as I hate being over concerned. I am 5.9” tall. Yes I forgot to mention I love birds. I speak four languages poorly and one language well. I look luscious when I want to. I am a brilliant speller but a decent writer.


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