Retail Management MCC Prelims Question Paper 2013



        I.            SECTION I is compulsory.

II.            Answer any three from SECTION II. Each question carries 10 marks.



Q.1) explain the following concepts with examples:-                                             (5X3= 15marks)

1)      E-Trailers

2)      EDLP

3)      Unique merchandise

4)      Multiple units pricing

5)      Visual merchandising.

Q.2) case study.

The term vending machines refers to machines that accepts payment and dispenses a product or services. The items dispensed by a machine may be a beverage, a snack, a ticket, a receipt for a payment, or simply change for a large denomination of currency. Such machines are common in western countries. However they are yet to get a major presence in India since many of the applications of the vending machines’ abroad may not be appropriate in an Indian Scenario.

Indian are accustomed to personalized service in shops and expects the same level of convenience from a vending machine also. For E.g. a vending machines must be able to make change and offer a variety of purchasing choices, just as a shopkeeper would. Vending machines also requires minimum maintenance and guarantee maximum uptime, in order to gain widespread public use.

With flexibility, convenience, security,  and cost savings for both the vendor and the customer vending machines  are poised to usher India into a new era of retail vending – the technology era.

Questions:-                                                                                                                                                         (15)

I.            How can one increase the sales through vending machines?

II.            Do you think vending machines a right strategy in retail business? Suggest some product and services that can do good business through vending machines.

III.            What factors a retailer should consider before finalizing the vending, machine?



Q.3) Explain the various characteristics performed by the retailers.

Q.4) Elaborate the steps involved in strategic retail planning process

Q.5) Explain the importance for merchandise planning in merchandises management

Q.6) what are the factors that are need to be considered by the retailer while designing the store?


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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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