Retail Management Question Bank 2013



Short notes and concepts


1. FDI in retail


2. Trends in retail


3. Spe cialty store


4. Department store


5. Super market


6. Convenience store


7. Discount store


8. Television shopping


9. Online shopping


10. Retail mix


11. Cooperative stor e


12. Hawkers market


13. Direct marketing/ selling


14. Kiosks


15. Vending machine


16. Breadth and depth of merchandising


17. Mobile shopping


18. Catalogue shopping


19. Multichannel retailing


20. Franchisee


21. Franchisor


22. Franchisee distribution


23. Retail format development


24. Customer loyalty p rogramme


25. IT in  retailing


26. CRM


27. E – retailing


28. RFID Technology


29. EDI


30. Assortment planning


31. Private labelling


32. EDLP


33. Vertical price fixing


34. Horizontal pricing


35. Bundled pricing


36. Coupons and rebates


37. Membership cards


38. Store Planning


39. Store lay out


40. Store design


41. Retail image mix


42. Space mix


43. Space planning


44. Types of layout


45. Visual merchandising


Long Answer Questions

1. What is retailing? Explain the role of retailer in distribution channel


2. Explain the factors affecting growth of retail sec tor in India


3. Explain the functions of Retailer (refer 3, 4, 5 bhatia)


4. Explain the different types or categories of retailer


5. What is multichannel retailing? Explain the need of multichannel retailing.


6. Explain in detail the various formats under multichannel retailing


7. Explain the advantages of multichannel retailing


8. What is franchising business? Explain the different formats (types) of franchising


9. Explain the advantages and disadvantages from franchisor and franchisee view poin t


10. Explain in detail the concep t of retail strategy along with elements


11. Explain in detail the growth strategy adopted by retailer


12. Explain the process (steps) involved in strategic planning with context to retailing


13. Explain the uses of IT in retailing


14. Explain the role of IT in retailin g


15. What is Merchandise Planning? Explain its objectives.


16. Explain the buying process of retail store


17. Explain the process of merchandise planning


18. Explain the concept of retail pricing


19. Explain the determinants of retail pricing strategies


20. Explain the pricing strategies in retail industry


21. What is store Management? Explain the role and responsibility of store manager


22. What is store planning? Explain its core areas.


23. What is store layout? Explain the different types store layout.

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