Retail Management Question Bank 2013 – Navigator Tutorials




                Retail Question Bank (2013)



  1.       1.  Store v/s Non Non Store Retailing (April 2011) (37)
1. Visual Merchandise (April 2012) (174)
      2. CRM in Retailing (April 2011) (186)        2. Displays (April 2012) (179)
      3. Vendor Relations (April 2011) (157) 3. Methods of Displays (OCT 2012) (179)
       4. Store Design (April 2011) (67) 4. Private Labels (OCT 2012) (111)
       5. Multi Channel Retailing      (April 2011) (38) 5. Types of Franchising (47)
     6. Category (Oct 2011, April 2012) (95) 6. Advantages of Franchising (48)
      7. Responsibilities of a store (Oct 2011,2012) (140) 7. Sales Forecasting (101)
8. Grid Layout (Oct 2011,2012) (167) 8. Cost Assortment with Global Sourcing (110)
9. Price Bundling (Oct 2011) (135) 9. FDI- Advantages and Disadvantages (204)
10. Role of IT in retail (Oct 2011) (171)
11. Role of Retailer in Distribution Channel (April 2012) (5)
12. Circulation Plan (April 2012)(171)
13.FDI in India (April 2012) (196)
14. Functions performed by Retailer (OCT 2012) (6)
15. RFID Tax (OCT 2012)
16. Rebates (OCT 2012) (132)
17. 7 Rights of Merchandise (79)
18. Service Retailing (30)
19. Vending Machines (30)
20. Markdowns (130)
21. Coupons (132)
22. Store Planning (143)


Long Answer

Q.1 Define Retailing. Discuss the drivers of growth of retail in the country. (April 2011) (10,3)

Q.2 What are retail strategies? Suggest a strategy for a Food and Grocery store for Indian Markets. (April 2011) (60)

Q.3 What makes locational decisions in retailing, strategic in nature? Discuss with suitable examples the factors necessary to consider before selecting a final site for any store. (April 2011) (152, 147)

Q.4 How important is the role of pricing in retail marketing mix? Briefly discuss the various retail pricing approaches available to the retailer. (April 2011) (120, 124)

Q.5 Describe role of franchisor and franchisee. Discuss the reasons for the success of franchising in India (Oct 2011) (54 ,55)

Q.6 Explain the strategic retail planning process in detail (Oct 2011) (68)

Q.7 Explain the importance of merchandise planning in merchandise management. (Oct 2011) (82)

Q.8 What factors that a retailer needs to take into account while choosing a location for a retail store. (Oct 2011) (152)

Q.9 What are the factors that have contributed to the rise of the retail in India? Explain the challenges that a Global Retailer will face in India. (April 2012) (15, 16)

Q.10 Suggest some strategies by which a retailer can build sustainable competitive advantage for their retail format. (April 2012)(63)

Q.11 What is Merchandise? Explain the process of Merchandise Planning in detail. (April 2012) (79 ,83)

Q.12 Explain Store and Non-Store Retailing in detail. Do you think Non-Store retailing will grow faster than Store retailing? Justify your answer. (OCT 2012) (37)

Q.13 Explain the strategic retail planning process in detail. Why is it necessary to develop a well integrate strategy? (OCT 2012) (68)

Q.14 Explain any five pricing strategies adopted by retailers. What is markup pricing? (OCT 2012) (125)

Q.15 What are the factors that a retailer needs to take into account while designing a store? (OCT 2012) (159)


BOOKS REFERRED: – Retail Management by Sunny Fernandes RISHABH PUBLISHING HOUSE (RPH)


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