Retail Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Retail Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of Lectures
 1  Retail Management- An overview  15
 2  Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy  15
 3  Merchandise Management and Pricing  15
 4  Managing and Sustaining Retail  15
 Total  60

Retail Management – Syllabus Overview

SN Modules/ Units
 1  Retail Management- An overview
a) Retail Management:

• Introduction and Meaning, Significance, Factors Influencing Retail Management, Scope of Retail Management

b) Retail Formats:

• Concept of Organized Retailing: Factors Responsible for the Growth of Organized Retail in India, Multichannel Retailing: Meaning and Types, E-tailing: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations

c) Emerging Trends in Retailing

• Impact of Globalization on Retailing

• I.T in Retail: Importance, Advantages and Limitations, Applications of I.T. in Retail: EDI, Bar Coding, RFID Tags, Electronic Surveillance, Electronic Shelf Labels

• FDI in Retailing: Meaning, Need for FDI in Indian Retail Scenario

• Franchising: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Limitations, Franchising in India

• Green Retailing

• Airport Retailing

 2  Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy
a) Retail Consumer/Shopper:

• Meaning of Retail Shopper, Factors Influencing Retail Shoppers, Changing Profile of Retail Shoppers, Market Research as a Tool for Understanding Retail Markets and Shoppers

b) CRM in Retail:

• Meaning, Objectives
• Customer Retention Approaches: Frequent Shopper Programme, Special Customer Services, Personalization, Community

c) Retail Strategy:

• Meaning, Steps in Developing Retail Strategy, Retail Value Chain

d) Store Location Selection:

• Meaning, Types of Retail Locations, Factors Influencing Store Location

e) HRM in Retail:

• Meaning, Significance, Functions
• Organization Structure in Retail: Meaning, Factors Influencing Designing Organization Structure, Organization Structure for Small Stores/Single Stores/Independent Retailers and Retail Store Chain/Department Store

 3  Merchandise Management and Pricing
a) Merchandise Management

• Concept, Types of Merchandise, Principles of Merchandising, Merchandise Planning- Meaning and Process, Merchandise Category – Meaning, Importance, Components, Role of Category Captain, Merchandise Procurement/SourcingMeaning, Process, Sources for Merchandise

b) Buying Function:

• Meaning, Buying Cycle, Factors Affecting Buying Functions, Functions of Buying for Different Types of Organizations Young and Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator- Independent Store, Retail Chain, Non-store Retailer

c) Concept of Lifestyle Merchandising

d) Private Label

• Meaning, Need and Importance, Private Labels in India

e) Retail Pricing

• Meaning, Considerations in Setting Retail Pricing
• Pricing Strategies: High/ Low Pricing: Meaning, Benefits, Everyday Low Pricing: Meaning, Benefits, Market Skimming, Market Penetration, Leader Pricing, Odd Pricing, Single Pricing, Multiple Pricing, Anchor Pricing
• Variable Pricing and Price Discrimination- Meaning

# Individualized Variable Pricing/First Degree Price
# Self-Selected Variable Pricing/ Second Degree Price DiscriminationClearance and Promotional Markdowns, Coupons, Price Bundling, Multiple – Unit Pricing
# Variable Pricing by Market Segment/ Third Degree Price Discrimination

 4  Managing and Sustaining Retail
a) Retail Store Operations:

• Meaning, Responsibilities of Store Manager, The 5 S’s of Retail Operations (Systems, Standards, Stock, Space, Staff)

b) Store Design and Layout:

• Store Design- Meaning, Objectives, Principles, Elements of Exterior and Interior Store Design, Store Atmospherics and Aesthetics
• Store Layout- Meaning, Types: Grid, Racetrack, Free Form
• Signage and Graphics: Meaning, Significance, Concept of Digital Signage
• Feature Areas: Meaning, Types: Windows, Entrances, Freestanding Displays, End Caps, Promotional Aisles, Walls, Dressing Rooms, Cash Wraps

c) Visual Merchandising and Display:

• Visual Merchandising- Meaning, Significance, Tools Used for Visual Merchandising
• The Concept of Planogram
• Display- Meaning, Methods of Display, Errors in Creating Display

d) Mall Management

• Meaning and Components: Positioning, Zoning, Promotion and Marketing, Facility Management, Finance Management

e) Legal and Ethical Aspects of Retailing

• Licenses/Permissions Required to Start Retail Store in India
• Ethical Issues in Retailing

f) Career Options in Retailing

Reference books for subject: Retail Management

Retail Management : ~ 
1. Michael Levy & Barton A Weitz, “Retailing Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Gibson G. Vedamani, “Retail Management- Functional Principles and Practices”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Jim, “Retail Strategies-understanding why we shop”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
4. Dunne Lusch, “Retail Management”, South Western Cengage Learning
5. K.S. Menon, “Store Management”, Macmillan India Ltd.,
6. Keith Lincoln, Lars Thomessen & Anthony Aconis, “Retailization -Brand Survival in the Age of Retailer Power”, Kogan Page Ltd.,
7. Swapna Pradhan, “Retailing Management–Text and Cases”, 4th Edn, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
8. Bajaj, Tulli & Shrivastava, “Retail Management”, Oxford University Press
9. Kishore Biyani, “It Happens in India”,& “ The Wall Mart Story”
10. Store Manager, Organiser / Planner- DMS Retail
11. Dr. RamKishen Y. “International Retail Marketing Strategies”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.


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