Revaluation Results are out !


After much hue and cry and a long wait time for the BMS students, revaluation results are finally out.

BMS Revaluation Results for SEM 5 Nov 2015 exams are out


B.M.S SEM-V (CBGS) (75:25)

You can check the results in the viewer below or go to the Mumbai University link

Update: MU has released the second revaluation results list as well

Our sources tell us that the third list might take more 10 – 15 days (from 5th April) 

Third list updated today on 13th April. Check in the viewer below

Our sources tell us, there will be one more list that will be released soon.

If your seat number is not in the below list, do not panic. Your revaluation might not have happened yet. Do keep a check at : MU website and you should see an update from Mumbai University soon.

We did recommend that you prepare for revaluation earlier in an update and would suggest you take the ATKT exam if your revaluation is not cleared or not declared yet.


If you are not able to see your number in the above sheet, wait for a while, Mumbai university will update as and when revaluation completes.

How’s the revaluation results? Happy ? Sad ? Relaxed? Relieved? Tell us in comments!

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  1. Any idea when the next revaluation list will be updated? Because KT exam starts on 1st, which is day after tomorrow. So will it be updated before exams?

  2. If you do not find your seat number in that list, it does not meant you are fail. MU will upload the the remaining results soon…..though KT exams are ver near………..hv to wait…no option

    1. I too have the same query … I had given 2 subjects for revaluation .. out of which only 1 subject has been declared … what does that mean??? … do I have to wait for the second subject … Is my second subject going to be declared ? becoz I’ve got my revalv result just for one subject … when am I gonna get my other subject marks?

      1. Its a wrong first mu has to realised the revaluation result and after that kt exams have to conduct
        After giving the exam of kt we have came to know that we already passed in revaluation in that the students nothing have any profit only the waste of money and time of the students

  3. When will be the final results out? Is this the clg admissions or something that they are updating list wise ? Before ATKT they shud have uplded results.. bt this education sector is never gonna improve kya???

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