Review / Reconsider BMS Course : UGC says to Delhi University



University’s Grant Commission has decided to review the Delhi University’s 4-year undergraduate programme BMS. The announcement came in as a shock to parents and student aspirants who had applied for the entrance exam of the course to be conducted next week. As per sources, the officials may scrap the BMS course or may keep it.

Students are confused about the fate of their degrees. The University or MHRD should not play with the lives of students in this manner. All India Students’ Association (AISA) and Students’ Federation of India (SFI) are planning to protest outside HRD ministry demanding “immediate annulment of FYUP”. Even Congress’ ‘National Students’ Union of India is planning to keep a protest till the university rolls back the programme.

UGC has asked Delhi University on 16 June 2014 to review and reconsider the course immediately. The letter has been sent to registrar Alka Sharma that FYUP was illegal and not in consonance with the national education policy. UGC is letting university do on its own, in case DU does not review / reconsider FYUP, HRD ministry will swing into action. The ministry can with the approval of the Visitor reject FYUP.

In case DU goes to the Visitor to seek approval of the new system of under-graduation, it will find it very difficult to justify it.

Last year HRD ministry refused to listen to many UGC members who wanted the government to look into it. The plea was university’s autonomy. Now both UGC and ministry want FYUP to go. In the process, students will suffer.

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