Revised Internal Assessment Circular of BMS From Academic Year 2015-16


Internal assessment for BMS under the CBSGS 75:25 (75 marks semester end examination and 25 marks internal assessment) pattern from the academic year 2015-16 is given below:

Internal Assessment – 25 marks

1) 5 marks for active class participation and responsible behavior of learner And

2) 20 marks based on the written test at the middle of the semester (as implemented from the academic year 2014-15)


a) 15 marks based on the document submitted by individual learner, on project work / assignment / practical / machine work on a topic (related and relevant to the course) given by the concerned faculty member


b) 5 marks based on presentation / viva. (in the courses where machine work / practical are given, 5 marks for journal)

Guidelines for the conduct of Internal assessment:

1) Colleges can opt for 20 marks written test or 20 marks project / assignment / machine work and presentation / viva in the specialized / innovative programs.

2) Each learner has to submit individual project / assignment in each course.

3) The faculty teaching the course has to give topics that are related and relevant to the course.

4) The learner has to submit a hard copy (preferably printed), of the assignment consisting of about 10 pages.

5) The learner has to make presentation (preferably, using ICT) or appear for a viva-voce, for 5 minutes. Ten pages of the hard copy will consist of the following:

1) Page No. – 1

Content – Name of the college, academic year, name and roll number / UID of the learner, name of the program, for e.g. BMS, BAF, etc. Class, for e.g. FYBMS, Semester for e.g. Semester I, Name of the course / subject and name of the faculty

2) Page No. 2

Content – Certificate with space for the Learner’s and Faculty’s signature with date

3) Page No. 3

Content – Index/ Table of contents

4) Page No. 4 – 8

Content – Body of the Assignment – Introduction to the topic, nature of the study, conclusions

5) Page No. 9

Content – Learning outcomes in which, the learner specifies what he / she has learnt from the assignment related to the course.

6) Page No. 10

Content – List of references in any one standard style such as APA, which is to be specified by the faculty.

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