Ricky Pointing Says He Extended His Retirement By 2 Years!


Article 22

Ricky pointing former Australian captain and an immensely talented and highly experienced cricketer who retired in 2012 said he delayed his international retirement by two years with his only motive of helping the team with generation shift. Pointing had a marvellous cricket career playing in 168 test matches and even made Australia win world cup twice under his captaincy.

“I probably played two years longer than I should have done. I think I knew in myself that I couldn’t get better. I felt that if anything, I could maintain a certain level. I think from 120, 130 Tests I knew I could not get any better” – says the battling legend candidly

After 2011 world cup pointing even gave up his captaincy but continued to play under the captaincy of Michael Clarke. He even suffered from a dip in form the last few years of his career but still continued playing test cricket.

“I wasn’t playing for me, I was playing for the younger guys in the team. Great teams that I played in had a really good solid core of experienced players and great characters. I might be patting myself on the back here, but I thought I was one of those players”- Added the two-time world cup winning captain.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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