Rights of an unpaid seller against the buyer personally


In addition to the unpaid seller’s rights against the goods, he has rights even against the buyer personally. They are as follows :


1.  Suit for  Price – Generally the seller can sue for the price of the goods only when the property in the goods has passed to the buyer and the price is not paid as per the terms of the contract. In cases where the property in the goods has not passed to the buyer, suit for price generally, cannot be maintained, unless under the contract, price is payable on a certain date irrespective of the delivery of passing of the ownership  of the goods.

2.  Suit for damages – The unpaid seller can bring an action for damages where the buyer wrongfully refuses to accept the goods or repudiates the contract.


3.  Suit for interest – In case of breach of contract on the part of the buyer, the unpaid seller can claim for interest from the date of tender of the goods or from the date, the price becomes payable along with a suit for price.


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