Risk Management
Unit 1
- What is Risk and explain the risk management process
- What are the types of risks
- What is the significance of a risk organisation
- What is the difference between risk management and risk measurement.
- Explain the diversification and immunization strategy to mitigate risk
- How is risk measured (alpha, R2, beta, SD, Variance etc)
- Explain the simulation and duration analysis as a tool to mitigate risk
- Simple sums on weighted beta, SD, X Cube average, etc.
Unit 2
- How can derivatives like futures, options help to mitigate risk
- How can swaps be used to reduce risk
- Explain the arbitrage theory
- Elaborate on the Markowitz risk return theory
- What is ERM and what are its benefits
- Explain the ERM matrix
- What is the difference between ERM and Risk management
Unit 3
- Explain the three line of defence to reduce risk
- Explain the role of various stake holders in the risk management process
- What is risk assurance and what is the nature of risk assurance
- How can effective corporate governance help mitigate risk
- What is risk governance and elaborate the scope of the same.
Unit 4
- Critically examine the role of IRDA in insurance
- List out the role and importance of an appointed actuary
- Elaborate the concept of reinsurance, bank assurance and Alternate risk trance
- What is the significance of insurance securitization
- What are the factors affecting the pricing of insurance policy
- What are the various types of life and non life policies
- Elaborate on the claim process of life, fire and marine insurance
- A basic simple sum on discounted expected claim cost
Text books recommended
- Vipul Publications
- Sheth Publications
- Rishabh Publications
For any further clarifications, please contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873