Rochelle’s Tips for Case Analysis



When a case is given for analysis, read the case carefully to understand the objective of the case i.e company’s perspective and the problems associated with the issue. Look at the causes of these problems and then suggest suitable solutions. Add examples to the solutions and also do a cost benefit analysis (feasibility check).



Give a gist of the case (if the case is long)

Discuss the objective of the case

Outline the problems in the case

Determine causes to the problems

Bring out solutions

Do a cost benefit analysis, if possible of one or two solutions.


Important tip

1. Don’t jump to solutions right in the beginning.

2. Present the case briefly first.

3. Outline the problems and then discuss solutions.


4. Don’t just give solutions, if possible, discuss the feasibility of the solutions discussed.

5. Give relevant examples wherever possible.



Rochelle’s Tips for Case Analysis


1. Read the case and underline important aspects.

2. Prepare a format namely – Problems, Causes, Solutions.

3. For the solutions, do a cost benefit analysis i.e check the feasibility of the solution.

4. Try to include examples in the case study against the solutions.

5. A case study is a means to understand how you analyse problems, focus on the analysis part.



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Rochelle D souza
Educational Qualifications: M. Sc., M. Ed., SET (Edu.), CPWED (ISB) Rochelle has learnt management from ISB and is equipped with a degree in education which she uses to fine tune processes in the teaching-learning process at Quoin. She conducts various workshops for GDPI students. She believes in nurturing individual talent and working on enhancing students strengths


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