Rohit Patil, HDFC Bank Limited


Name – Rohit Patil

Company – HDFC Bank Limited

Tell us something about yourself?

I am average guy just like you guys. Believes “Knowledge is Wealth”, loves adventurous activities and is working with Banking sector. Likes to hangout, play guitar & read books. I like to listen to management philosophies and passionate about Management and therefore I opted for BMS in the year 2007. I graduated BMS in the year 2010 from Bhavans, Chowpatty.

Tell us something about your BMS College life?

My college name is Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s, everyone knows it by Bhavan’s chowpatty (BMS). It has an okay infrastructure but the faculties in our college are like diamonds to be found. You may find different things happening in our college like fest going on known as MANZEAL as well seminars coming up!!!. Presentation taking place and students hanging out at the utmost place where they get to make their presentation, brainstorming and gossiping also goes just as other colleges. So my college is just an average college as usual not amongst the top but neither amongst least, these are the advantage you get over here, the faculty and the rapport that you maintain and second the networks you build up through Bhavans.

College Memories – Memories, memories lots of them but the best one is all about the MANZEAL nights……that’s what we call them as a poster nights & as well memories of doing projects and presentation staying awake late night burning the midnight oil and relying on friends that somebody will make an attempt to complete the project work. I hope BMS people understands this.

BMS life – BMS life has taught everything right from soft skills to personal grooming, the ability to forecast, plan, manage and apply (I hope you know the 14 principles of “HENRY FAYOL”) to fun trips like so-called industrial visits but they are a great source of knowledge when seriously taken. College fests are which teaches us the practical art of management.

Life after BMS – Some good, some bad. We learn to take up responsibilities and life becomes hectic we forget the moments and they became memories but life after that also makes us confident, sharp and one amongst those of the group of professionals.

Tell us something about your company?

My company is banking sector (service Industry) and deals with financial products which are variable. HDFC Bank is a major Indian financial services company based in India, incorporated in August 1994, after the Reserve Bank of India allowed establishing private sector banks. There’s lot in the banking sector if one has the appetite for numbers & who can continuously be on computers for hours, Banking & investment is the field waiting for them. Rest is the History of my bank which you all know. I am currently accountable for retail assets handling Liquid collateral securities for disbursement and closure of loans.

According to you, what is management all about?

It’s an ‘ART’ of getting things done.

Your views on Corporate World?

Corporate world has its unique identity where professionals contribute their skills and enhance the efficiency of management. The packages in the corporate world are uncountable along with perquisites. The challenges in corporate world are growing & competition is getting tough. Corporate today plays vital role in strengthening the country’s economy, providing employment and many other amenities.

What is your philosophy towards work?

Plan for the best & hope for the worst!!!!!!!And also Do what you love & Love what you do!

Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

Not yet since it’s my new leap to the corporate.

“Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

As per me, earning is not a motive behind this but respect & passion for management is justifiable.

Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

Indeed it does matter, what if today I speak about IIM’s & why do people call them top institutes. We also studied a subject called Public Relations what does it speak? Building Image! Ask why? You get the answer to this question but again I would add something which is called your perseverance, dedication and depth of Knowledge matters even if your name of the institute is not well known but the bottom line says it’s the person’s ability, knowledge, soft skills and other qualities that matters. Both occupies equal position when it comes entering into corporate world.

What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Research on the area of your interest, work on it & give all your attempts to make it to the top management after all we are people practicing management.

If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

One’s aptitude towards the desired profile, ability to learn, depth of knowledge, willingness to participate in active manner in any conditions and other qualities like confidence, soft skills, academic records, etc

Your feedback for

Thankful to to explore corporate talks amongst aspiring students and bringing up management issues to resolve in a tactful way. Candidates can get an idea as to how a corporate is beyond books and also I would love to listen to corporate talks of senior people at top management working for MNCs as to what they say about BMS, MBA & management! I would be happy to listen to their stories published on

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