Role of a constructive trade union in meeting workers expectation and employers requirement of higher productivity. Write short notes on unfair labour practices of management


Q.a. Role of a constructive trade union in meeting workers expectation and employers requirement of higher productivity.


Ans a.  Role of trade union towards workers expectation:

–       To attain economic security. Ensuring permanent employment with higher salary and benefits to the workers.

–       To improve their bargaining power and balance it that of the management. To negotiate and monitor management decisions, regarding policy, promotions transfers, work assignment, grievance redressal and disciplinary issues.

–       To ventilate the workers grievances to the management

–       To inform workers views, aims, ideas and dissatisfaction/frustrations to the management

–       To secure protection from unexpected economic needs like illness, accidents, injury etc.

–       To satisfy their social needs

–       To satisfy their psychological needs

–       To satisfy their needs for belongingness.

–       To provide a worker self confidence

–       To acquire control of industry by workers

–       To take up welfare measures for improving the morale of the workers

–       To raise the status of the workers as partners of the industry and citizens of society by demanding increasing share for the workers in the management of industrial enterprises.

–       Protecting the workers against victimization.

–       To provide housing facilities

–       To provide for educational, cultural and recreational facilities


Role of trade union towards employer’s requirement of higher productivity:

–       To place industry under national ownership and control in a suitable form.

–       To organize workers in such a manner as to ensure full employment and the best utilization of its manpower, other resources and to achieve management objectives.

–       To establish just industrial relationships

–       To secure redressal of grievances without stoppage of work, by means of negotiation, conciliation and failing these arbitration and adjunction.

–       To make necessary arrangements for the efficient conduct and satisfactory and speedy conclusion of authorized strikes and satyagraha.

–       To foster the spirit of solidarity, service, brotherhood, co-operation and mutual help among the workers.

–       To develop in the workers a sense of responsibility towards the management, industry and community.

–       To raise the workers standard of efficiency and discipline which in turn will help to achieve higher productivity.

–       To make the workers understand the objectives of the management and accept the same for the betterment and interest of both.


b. Write short notes on unfair labour practices of management.


Ans b. Unfair Labour Practices: Normally prevail in an unorganized labour market and especially in the third world countries. It includes small industries, tiny industrial units, cottage industries, shops and establishments, hotels, restaurants, mobile business, trading unit’s taxi operator’s agriculture etc. Demand for and supply of labour is normally casual and contract in nature. They do not follow any systematic or scientific method of recruitment and selection. Candidates are, mostly employed if they accept low wages.  Organizations normally do not design the jobs. Normally they do not provide employee benefits, welfare measures, fringe benefits etc. The employees have no choice but accept low wages and are governed by the employer. There is a lot of ignorance and illiteracy. Superior strength of employer. Weakest bargaining power of the employee. Casual nature of employment. The employers exploit the employees. Bonded Labour. Child Labour is a part of unfair labour practices.

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