The student should take responsibility for the design, methodology and presentation of the project.
It is the responsibility of the student to edit their work, and ensure all information is accurate and complete.
The student is responsible for presenting their research proposal to the Faculty for approval before embarking on the data collection.
Students are reminded that their research project must be their own work and all quotations from other sources, whether published or unpublished, must be properly acknowledged. Plagiarism is a very serious offence and, where proven against a student, may result in disqualification from the examination of the project. Would this lead to disqualification from university? Starting a new project? Unclear ….
The student should submit material in sufficient time to allow for comment and discussion before proceeding to the next stage.
The student takes responsibility for maintaining regular contact with the supervisor.
The student should participate in the progress reports to demonstrate their commitment to completing the project in time.
The student takes responsibility for incorporating supervisor’s comments and feedback into their work, and seeking clarification where necessary.
Students should keep track of their project to ensure it progresses according to the time frame. Where deviations are observed, they should be brought to the attention of the
supervisor as soon as possible.
Any problems encountered in conducting the project should be brought to the attention of the supervisor as soon as possible after they occur so that remedial action can be taken immediately.
Any problem encountered by the student during the project should be discussed with the supervisor(s) i.e. Project Coordinator. If the matter cannot be resolved, it should be reported to the BMS Coordinator and eventually to Principal of the college.