Rose Day of SIES, Sion!


Rose Day was celebrated on 13th December, 2010 @ SIES College, Sion.

A Perfect Masterpiece Design by Creatives Team of Fantasies , Headed By Sritika Dhar & Aditi Sheth.

Mr.Bala Subramanium & Akshay Chandrashekar Continues to Rock the Event on the Rose Day .

The Beats Goes Loud & Loud …

Payal Patel , PR head Sings fr the Last Time in SIES on the Lines of ” Yaaron Dosti “

Tabish Siddiqui is the New Idol of SIES , Replaced on the place of Ronson Dcosta.

Ronson Dcosta – the Person who has been the Idol of SIES for Almost 6 years is Singing fr the Last time …. Will Miss u Ronson – SIES

Nandini Iyer , PR Dept – Sings a Melodious songs on the Eve of Rose Day.

Archita Shah Plans a Surprise for Saurik Shah and Sings on the Tune of ” Tere Jaisa Yaar Kahaan , Kahaan aisa Yaaran – Yaad karegi Duniya , Tere mera Afsaana ..”

– Pics taken by Official Inhouse Photographer of SIES “Jay Ravasa” and “Saurik Shah”

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