Roshan Jha, Shankar Narayan College


Name – Roshan Jha

College – Shankar Narayan College, Bhayandar

Tell us about yourself
Hi, My name is Roshan Jha and I am a BMS Final year student and am willing to go for an MBA as I finish my course. MY hobbies are reading, writing, cricket, etc. My motto in life is simple. “HARD WORK CANNOT BE UNREWARDED FOREVER.”
Tell us about your college

Shankar Narayan College is one of the best colleges in Bhayandar. I would not like to go into many details but there are a few memories that separate SN College from other colleges.
When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I am in the final year right now which means my Final year exams will be in 2011. Going by this, I think I joined the course in 2008.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

I wished to pursue an MBA after graduation and hence thought that it would be better to get some exposure on the type of material that I will have to study in my MBA and hence, found BMS to be the best course that would suit me.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

BMS is all about learning and making you a better person. Yes, there is the fun part too. But that needs to be restricted so as to improve yourself.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?

The infrastructure of SN College is the best amongst the colleges in Bhayandar and maybe, this differentiates it from the colleges in the area.
Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?

None. Did not find anyone up to the mark.

What has BMS life taught you?

There was an incident during the course that taught me the real meaning of a Friend and made me understand the difference between a real friend and an imposter. BMS life has improved me as a person and made me more aware of the type of people around.
What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?

Happiest moment… umm. Nothing special happened in my BMS. Really speaking, the whole journey was happy. Yes, the Industrial Visit to Hyderabad was good.

Another Industrial Visit was the saddest part as I did not find the IV in Jaipur to be good enough and could not enjoy myself.

Nothing especially memorable.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

Can’t single out any person. However, the best influencers have been my parents.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

Nothing new. Am still a student.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Think carefully before joining any institute as it can cause a huge difference in the final output you get. I mean, there are many institutes that offer BMS but the real value that should be added to the students does not get added.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

Which Institute have you done your MBA from?

How has it been useful in your career?

How much has the MBA improved you?
What are your future plans?

I have appeared for CAT and scored 95%ile. I am waiting for Calls right now. Am planning to finish my MBA in the next two years and start a business.

What are you expecting out of BMS?

BMS has helped me to improve my communication skills as well as helped me to gather some skills that will be really useful in my career. My prime motive in doing BMS was to get some preview of MBA, and that is what it has offered.

How is What help should it provide in future? is a good website and it is quite popular amongst the BMS Students. It can surely help students to be updated by posting the current events about BMS and Mumbai University.

An improvement can be to make it look a bit more professional and make the home page less dynamic.

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