RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Exam 2014 Biology Graduate standard Syllabus


Part – (ii)                                                                                                   80 marks

(Graduate standard )

Biology :


Viruses : Structure multiplication and transmission. Bacteria : structure and reproduction..
Algae: General character, classification and Thallus organization.

Fungi : General character, classification and economic importance.

Bryophytes and Pteridophytes : General character, classification and Reproduction.

Cell structure and functions of cell organcells, chromosome organization. DNA structure, replication. Genetic code, Protein synthesis. Cell cycle ; mitosis, meiosis and their significance.

Characteristics of seed plants, evolution of seed habit. Evolution and diversity of Gymnosperms. Classification and reproduction in Gymnosperms.

Taxonomy of Angiosperms : Classification of Angiosperms. Diversity of flowering plants. Economic importance of Timber plants, Medicinal plants, fibre yielding plants, condiments and spices.

Flower structure, Types of Embryos, Double fertilization, polyembryony, Apomixis, Parthenocarpy.

Histological organization of nonocot and dicot root, stem and leaves, Anomalous secondary growth. Apical meristem. Sapwood, heartwood and annual rings.

Water relations : Osmosis, transport of water, transpiration, mechanism of stomatal movement. Factors affecting transpiration, mechanism of phloem transport.

Photosynthesis : types of pigments, light and dark reaction, C4 cycle, Organisation of photosystems, Red drop phenomenon, Chemosysnthesis, Bacterial photosysnthesis. Law of limiting factor, factors, affecting photosynthesis, Crassulacean Acid Metabolism.

Respiration : types of respiration, Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Oxidative phosphorylation, Respiratory quotient (R.Q.), photorespiration, Electron transpsort system.

Enzymes : classification, mechanism of action, factors affecting enzyme activities, Isoenzymes, regulation of enzyme activity.

Plant Growth and Development: Photoperiodism, vernalization, physiology of flowering, kinetics of growth, seed dormancy, plant growth regulators.

Ecology types of pollution, Global warming, Green house effect, Acid rains, Alnino effect, ozone depletion Biodiversity, Sanctuaries, National parks, Endangered species, Deforestation, Bio communities, Ecosystem, Food chains, ecological pyramis, wild life and its conservation, Biogeochemical cycles. Environmental laws, Radiation hazards.

Structure and function of animal tissues, Various systems of human. Regulation in animals (Nervous system, Endocrine system and hormones)

Life cycle of Plasmodium, Ascaris, Liverfluke, Economic importance of Protozoa and Insects. Social insects. External and internal structure of Amoeba, Plasmodium, Earthworm, Cockroach and Frog ,

Heredity and Evolution, Darwinism, Neo Darwinisim, Lamarckism, Natural selection and Adaptation, Concepts of species and speciation. Palentological evidences and morphological evidences of evolution, Hardy- Winberg law, Origin of life

Biotechnology : Tools and Technique of recombinant DNA Technology, cloning vectors, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Gene Amplication, genomic library, Gene mapping. Plant tissue culture, application of plant Tissue culture.Vectors for gene delivery, vectorless gene transfer, achievements of biotechnology. Transgenics.

Taxonomy of animals, Five kingdom system,Characteristics upto family level with suitable example. Symmetry, Coelom, segmentation and embryogenesis.

Embryology of animals, Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, fertilization, Cleavage, Gastrulation, organogenesis and fate of three germinal layers, test tube baby. Embryology of frog


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