RPSC Grade II Teacher Exam Admit Card 2014 Released on 10 February 2014



To download the RPSC Grade II Teacher Examination Admit Card 2014, candidates may follow the below steps:

  1. Log on to the official website at www.rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in
  2. Plot a route to admit card section.
  3. Click the link titled as RPSC Grade II Teacher Examination Admit Card 2013.
  4. Enter Exam Name, ID and DOB and submit.
  5. RPSC Grade II Teacher Admit Card 2013 will display on the screen.
  6. Candidates are strongly suggested to take a printout of their admit card.

Instructions to candidates

  1. Possession of admit card is mandatory for all the candidates who appear for the exam.
  2. No candidate would be allowed to enter the exam hall without their admit card.
  3. Candidates should also possess one passport size photo and a photo identity card.
  4.  Candidates are requested to follow the rules and regulations of the examination.
  5. Candidates should check whether the information given in the admit card are appropriately printed.
  6.  In case of error in printing, candidates may bring the matter to the notice of the concerned authority without delay.
  7. Late notification will not be accepted.
  8. Candidates found to indulge in malpractice will be liable to be punished as per the norms of the examination.

Read more at:

RPSC Grade II Teacher Exam Pattern 2014

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