Rules and Regulations For the Content Writing Internship


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Terms and Conditions:

a)      We will not accept any duplicate content from other websites / books / magazines.

b)      Content should be as per the topic/title.

c)      Depth of the articles need not be too technical or complicated but should have engaging and share worthy content.

d)      Articles need to be grammatically correct and error-free.

e)      The intern needs to promote his/her articles on social networking sites to achieve the target of 250 page views per article which is really very easy. The more you write, the more you market and the more you earn.. as simple as that!

f)       Guidance on how to post articles on the site etc. will be provided.

g)      Internship certificate will be provided only to interns who complete a minimum of 50 articles of 1000 words or 100 articles of 500 words within a span of 45 days.

h)     If the intern doesn’t complete his/ her targets and fails to keep us updated, then he/she will have to discontinue from the internship.

i)         The intern can work from anywhere as long as internet connection is available.

j)        You cannot leave the internship mid-way, unless absolutely necessary. In case you do so, an advance notice of 15 days needs to be provided also you will have to complete the number of articles pending till the particular date, failing which you are liable to face legal action.

k)      The articles submitted by interns belongs to and cannot be used / reproduced by the interns or writers in any other website / publication.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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