Rules and Regulations of Shikhar 2013 Events



  1. 11+2 each team.
  2. 5 overs per match.
  3. 5 balls per inning.
  4. 1 run for wide and no ball.
  5. Free hit after no ball. ( Ball will be counted )
  6. 1 over power play doubles the runs./wicket in power play will
  7. Umpire decision will be final.
  8. One ball is to be use per match.
  9. In case of a tie the team with most wickets will be declared as a winner.



  1. Composition of 6+2 players.
  2. Time limitation for per team is 7mins play.
  3. 2 miss by batsman result in wicket.
  4. After every single miss, bowler should be change, if not then no ball.
  5. Short arm bowling.
  6. Wide/No runs are added.
  7. There is no dedicated bowler. Anyone in the field can bowl when there is a miss.
  8. The batsman has to run sideways and if he crosses the No line, (-1) will be deducted.
  9. Umpire decision will be final.



  1.  For the false start a warning will be given to the participant when repeated again he/she would be qualified.
  2. The participants should run in their own track if not then disqualified.
  3. Participants in complete track suit.


  1. The first pair to cross the finish line is the winning pairs.
  2. They must stay tied and “three” legs must be used.
  3. Track should not be changed by the participants.
  4. Both the participants are not supposed to touch/held each other while running.



  1. The Lemon and Spoon will be provided by us.
  2. Once the lemon fall the player is out.
  3. After the start of the game the player is not allowed to touch the spoon or lemon.
  4. If no player reaches the finish line then the player who covered the maximum distance is the winner



  1. To play you need 1 sack for each individual participant.
  2. Participants will run with sack putting both feet in and begin hopping towards the finish line.
  3. Participants must keep both feet in sack during the race.
  4. The sack must remain as close to waist as possible and should not fall below the knee.
  5. If sack/participant falls they would be disqualified.



  1. 3 members per team, max. – 3teams per college.
    1. Area to be covered Kalanagar to IES School.
    2. No clue shall be handled but without the submission of previous clue.
    3. Transport vehicle (Both public and private can be used).
    4. Travelling expenses will be incurred by the participants.


  1. 4+2 each team.
  2. 5 balls per over.
  3. Free hand but no cross arm allowed.
  4. Umpires decision will be final.
  5. In case of a tie the team with most wickets will be declared as a winner.


  1. Six members in each team.
  2. Only two substitutes are allowed.
  3. Toss the ball while serving. ( Compulsory )
  4. Only three attempts to pass the ball to the next side of the court.
  5. While serving, if the player touch the line than foul and service change to the next team.
  6. Ball should not be carried while playing…
  7. In a particular set a team can hit only one head shot and one leg shot.
  8. Rules and Regulations not followed or the use of abusive language negative marking.
  9. Each set will be of 11 points and five dots will be conducted in one game.
  10. Up till quarter final there will be 11 points make five dots.
  11. In semifinal and final there will be 15 points make three sets.
  12. Anybody part touching the net and the away line will be considered foul.
  13. In semifinals and finals players can rotate only 1 time.



  1. (N)Number of teams.
  2. 6+2 members in each team.
  3. One knockout round.
  4. 11 points game.
  5. Only 3 attempts to pass the ball to the next side of the court.
  6. While serving if the player touches the line, it’s a foul and the service will change.
  7. Players cannot use their hand, during play.
  8. In finals, 15 points game.
  9. Rest of the rules will be declared on the ground.



  1. Six members in each team.
  2. Knockout round.
  3. Umpires decision will be final.



  1. 5+2 players in the team.
  2. Rise ball above head
  3. Goal will only considered when it put cross half line
  4. Penalty shoot out
  5. Foul playing


  1. No Tapping.
  2. Not to touch the coins.
  3. Not to touch the Pockets.
  4. No eye contact with the Partner.
  5. The Player is not allowed to move or get up from his chairs while shooting.
  6. Thumb is allowed.
  7. Queens-3points.
  8. Both the hands are not allowed.
  9. Best of 2 game (points).



  1. 20 minutes per game.
  2. Points :
  • Touch and move.
  • No emphase rule.
  • 1pt- Pawn
  • 3pts- Horse and Bishop.
  • 5pts-Rook.
  • 9Pts- Queen
  • If the game is not completed within 20 mins then, point system comes into play.
  • One person cannot exit a time limit of 60 sec for one move otherwise a penalty of 2 pts. will be charged
  • In case of stalemate points will be considered.
  • If the player takes more than one minute then, 2 points will be deducted.



  1. (N) Number of teams.
  2. Best of three sets in finals.
  3. 11point set.
  4. Umpire decision will be final


  1. Two members in one team
  2. Rs.30 per team
  3. 3 stages in the game
  4. Venue: college premises
  5. Time: to
  6. Date: 10th and 11th of January.


  1. 2 Members per team.
  2. Overall Maximum teams 24.
  3. First come first serve.
  4. One player has to play on the flex- one has to roll the dice.



a)      FIFA 13:

  1. Six minutes-half.
  2. Only club teams(only five star teams)
  3. Format- tournament
  4. Joysticks and keyboard will be provided

(Players can bring their own joysticks and keyboard)

  1. No extra time, if tie then penalty.



  1. Length of the movie 3 mins-8 mins
  2. No abusive and vulgar language
  3. Contestants should not hurt anyone’s feeling.
  4. Minimum two entries per college.
  5. Message must be compulsory in the movie.
  6. Have to submit movie in CD and CD should be submitted in a day before.
  7. One team has to have 5 members maximum.


  1. (N) Number of teams per college.
  2. Time limit one an half hour.
  3. Theme- Indian Bridal and Arabic.


  1. (N) Number of participants per college.
  2. Bring your own colours.
  3. No advance Rangoli making material is allowed.
  4. Maximum two persons per team.
  5. Time limit one hour



  1. 2 players in the game
  2. Entry fees Rs 30
  3. 5  types of different games
  4. Venue: college premises
  5. Time: to
  6. Date: 11th of January

i)                    Ring master

ii)                  Match the patch

iii)                Out of the box

iv)                Puzzle wood

v)                  Sync of voice



  1. 2 members per team
  2. Time limit 10 mins.
  3. Product for creating an ad will be given on the day of  event.


  1. 2 members per team
  2. Judges decision will be final.


  1. 2 Players on Each Team
  2. 2 Players vs. 2Players
  3. Question would be asked to the 1st team: They get 30 seconds to answer it.
  4. If they know the answer they get 1 Point & if they don’t they have to pass the question to 2nd Team.
  5. Second team gets more 30 seconds to answer the same question; if they know the answer they get 2 points and if they don’t they have to double dare the opponent.
  6. The opponent gets an opportunity to answer the same question but as he doesn’t know the answer he has to perform a Minute Task.
  7. Performing a minute task successfully he would get 4 points and if unsuccessful the opponent get 4 and performing team gets 0.


  1. 1 Player
  2. No cancelation
  3.  No overwriting
  4. Should be completed in the given time
  5. Tie-break up
  6. Player completed maximum levels wins the competition in given and minimum time



  1. 4 members each group.
    1. 12 minute per group.
    2. 1 minute video compulsory within the time limit.
    3. 3 minute question answer round.
    4. No vulgar language allowed
    5. Cd should be submitted 3 hours before the competition.



Round 1

  1. Identify the logos in 1 minute.
  2. Guessing the correct logo= 2 points
  3. Guessing wrong logo= (-1 point)

Round 2:

  1. Identify the slogans & taglines of the company in 1 minute.
  2. Guessing the correct tagline= 2 points
  3. Guessing wrong tagline= (-1 point)

The winner will be decided by adding points of both the rounds.


  1. Theme – Free Style
  2. Time limit Five Minutes
  3. Maximum 5 teams per college.
  4. Songs CD To Be Submitted Three Hours Before The Event
  5. No Vulgarity
  6. Vulgar Song Will Disqualified
  7. No Vulgar dressing



  1. Maximum 10 Teams (first come first serve basis)
  2. Number Of Members 5-8
  3. Time Limit 5-6 Minutes
  4. Song CD’s To Be Submitted Three Hours Before The Event
  5. No Vulgarity
  6. Vulgar Song Will be Disqualified
  7. No Vulgar dressing
  8. Stockings Are Compulsory ( if Above the Knee length )



  1. Maximum 10 Teams (first come first serve basis)
  2. Numbers of Members 8-10 Each Team
  3. Time limits 8-10 Minutes With The Set Up
  4. Songs CD to Be Submitted Three Hours Before the Event
  5. No Vulgarity And Stockings Are Compulsory ( if Above the Knee length )


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