Rules For Providing The Photo/Xerox Copy/Ies Of Assessed Answer-Book/S


Rules For Providing The Photo/Xerox Copy/Ies Of Assessed Answer-Book/S



1. Applying for Photo/Xerox copy of the answer book and applying for Revaluation will be two independent processes.

2. Applying for the Photo/Xerox copy of the answer book or having Photo/Xerox copy of the answer book shall not be a pre-requisite for applying for revaluation of the answer book in the said subject.

3. The student can independently apply for revaluation OR Photo/Xerox OR both simultaneously.

4. This facility shall be for theory papers only.

5. Under these rules applying for the Photo/Xerox copy/ies of answer-books shall not be permitted in respect of the scripts of practical examination / term-work / sessional work / project work / dissertation / internal assessment / term work (including theory part) and in Viva voce / oral / practical examinations. However within seven (7) working days from the date of declaration of the results or on issue of the statement of marks by the College, the candidate shall be allowed to apply in the prescribed format for the head wise internal split of his marks obtained at such examinations along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 100/- by cash or D. D.

6. The Photo/Xerox copy/ies shall be sought by submission of application in the prescribed form along with the non-refundable fee of Rs. 100/- per answer book by the examinee. The said fee shall be remitted by cash or by D. D.
The examinee belonging to reserved categories shall be granted 50 % concession in fee, provided a certified copy of the caste certificate is enclosed.

6. The prescribed application form for obtaining Photo/Xerox copy/ies of answer book shall have to be filled and signed by the applicant examinee only and shall be submitted to the University of Mumbai within seven (7) working days from the date of declaration of result of the examination or issue of the statement of marks by the Institute of Distance and Open Learning, whichever is later.

7. Incomplete application form shall be rejected without assigning any reason whatsoever and the fees paid along with the application form shall neither be refunded nor will any representation be entertained.

9. On receipt of the photocopy if the discrepancy of following nature is noticed by the examinee, he should apply to the Mumbai University in the prescribed form along with the said photocopy and copy of the question paper within three (03) working days from the date of receiving the photocopy.

i) Mistake in totaling

ii) Non assessment of a question / sub-question if required

10. On rectification of the result as per the provisions above, the candidate can apply for revaluation within seven (07) working days from the date of receipt of the rectified result, if he/she was not eligible to apply for revaluation of the said answer book under VCD Rule and only by such rectification becomes eligible for revaluation in the said subject, subject to other limitations contained.


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