S.Y.BMS Diaries: Covering the High’s And Low’s Of A Second Year BMSite’s Life!



Hola S.Y.BMSites, 

Second year has started and so has the best year out of your 3 years as a BMSite! Full of college events, competitions, fests and parties this year promises to have the most amazing 2 semesters of a BMSites life!

Parties and after parties is all an S.Y. student is known for, you have an upper hand over those newbie F.Y.’s who stare at you like lost puppies and those senior’s are way to busy cracking up on their black book formats that they hardly have the time to enjoy.

With all of this partying around please dont forget to focus on your two crucial semesters because they do eventually end up forming the base for your T.Y. exams. With this section called ‘S.Y.BMS Diaries’ we plan to share with the entire S.Y. community the essentials of everything from partying to cracking your semesters and dong up assignments perfectly on time!

As the general trend with S.Y students goes, this is the year where you have majority of your romantic link ups and make all the hangover stories that you are going to cherish forever! Those names who were in 100% on the attendance lists miraculously will manage to find themselves on the black list and the rank holders might shift gears from the beginning of the list to the end, but well all of those are memories you shall cherish forever and that I can guarantee!

Oh by the way, you can also share in your crazy S.Y. stories and get featured with your S.Y. Selfie to make all the BMSites across Mumbai city envious. Just click a crazy selfie and mail it to [email protected] with #syselfie as your subject. Don’t forget to give out your name, college name and throw in your story if you want us to feature YOU!

Till next time, Loads of love and keep reading ‘S.Y.BMS Diaries!’ 

Post 1: Stand Up Against Ragging – It’s Your Duty!

Events and Fests? Yes Please!

Right time for Belling The CAT?

Scoring Well In Academics and Extracurricular’s Simultaneously!

Study Because You WANT To, Not Because You Have To!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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