S.Y.BMS Diaries: Event’s And Fests? Yes Please!



So, it’s raining and its pouring and for all those of you who anyways didn’t need an excuse to bunk college and head off to marine drive, I am sure the season is like a blessing in disguise.

With the downpour of rain, there is another downpour that shall be knocking on your doors and pinging on your handsets soon; the different events and fests that your college will be invited too and of course which www.bms.co.in shall be covering.

When you entered college in the first year, things were new and you didn’t know weather you actually would be able to match up to the standards of the different colleges and perform to win accolades for your college in these different fests and events.

Many of you took the plunge, but in case you didn’t this is the perfect time to start up. The magical quality about a college fest is that the ultimate motive for the organizers is that you have a blast, everything else is an add onn and you should keep that much in mind and sign up for as many things as you can.

Next year you’ll be busy chasing black book targets and internal assessment marks; this is the perfect time for you to go out and enjoy all these amazing events. You have talent, be it in arts, creative writing, speaking, organizing events or even being an effective team worker; you can find space for yourself as an organizer  or a participant.

If you are from a small college, you get a chance to see the magnitude of awesome levels in the fests by the big colleges, believe me it changes your thought process a lot. Participation, gives you an opportunity to interact with the best of the best of students from your city. Listening to the judges and their inspiring words does ignite the fire of motivation and all the exposure eventually helps you in shaping up your personality.

No better time than your S.Y. To have a blast, so when anyone asks you to participate in fests or events, say Yes please!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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