S.Y.BMS Diaries: Right Time For Belling The CAT?



Figuratively and realistically, for the students of S.Y.BMS it’s really the time you started off in your pursuit to bell the CAT; or any management exam for that matter, in case you plan to make a career as an MBA. The general thought process for someone to take up a BMS course, is that it is a bachelors programme in management studies which would be the perfect base for an MBA aspirant.

Even if that wasn’t your motive behind taking the BMS course, an MBA today has become the necessity of everyone’s career graph. So being a management graduate, it obviously becomes the logical choice for you and your S.Y, the best time to start up with your coaching for the various entrance exams.

With an MBA, the moot point is in getting into a good institute which can guarantee you a placement and a remuneration which is worth all the money and efforts you put in. It’s a simple cost to benefit ratio and this is the perfect time to start preparing for it.

mba entrance tests

The the MBA entrance exams list, the offering starts from the most prestigious institutes the IIM’s and the CAT exam that helps you getting in. CAT scores are also accepted by various other institutes. Followed by institute specific exams such as the XAT for XLRI, NMAT for NMIMS, SNAP for Symbiosis, etc. You also have the CET a state specific entrance test, that helps you clear into the B-School’s of your own state.

Why I recommend that you to start coaching this year, is because the general norm with these exams is that it takes a few attempts before you get into a good institute and so training for the written tests and the GD/ PI/ WATT whatever form of secondary test your choice of institute considers, needs to be done well in advance.


There are dozens of coaching classes for these entrance tests, online test series, self study material all available very easily; so it’s your pick, if it’s an MBA for you then this is the best time to strike.

Good Luck with the preparations 🙂

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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