S.Y.BMS Diaries: Scoring Well in Academics and Extra Curricular Simultaneously!


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Academics and extra curricular’s go hand in hand especially when you are in your second year BMS. You have more time than your seniors and more experience than your juniors eventually giving you the most favorable position among all three sections.

But with all the amazing opportunities of various fests and contests coming your way so are the exams and tests. Faltering on any of the two would be a big mistake, because if you do not manage to score good grades now your T.Y.BMS overall results will show a lower GPA and a lower Grade.

The chances you will get now you won’t get them next year so it is equally important to go and attend these events if nothing than as audience because it does change your personality for the better. The fact also remains that once you have completed your graduation your marks wont form a part of your most memorable times the fun you had with friends at these events and fests will!

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So how do you balance grades and participation? Here I give you the Top 5 ways in which you can manage good grades while allocating minimum time to textbooks.

1. Attend Lectures – schedule practice after college hours and unless you have an event at that time, do go and attend lectures.

2. Make Notes– yes make notes, it is very important! A week before the exams all you nee to do is revise them up and most of your chapter is covered. Plus the teacher is going to ask majorly from what was covered in class so you can deal with the paper in a  better way.

3. Do Assignments and Projects honestly: Students have a habit of copy-pasting instead of going through the matter available in the textbook. If you make a project/ assignment on a particular topic and you read it from the textbook it becomes very easy to recall the same during the exam.

4. Study well for your Viva/ internal test: These scores are important and they ensure you have read that much of your syllabus well and now all you need to do is revise it before the exam.

5. Read a little extra: when you have done something in class and in case you find it interesting, BMS/Google/Facebook it. Facebook fan pages at times give out good information or else you always have Google baba to tell you all about the sub-topic of your interest. You can always hunt down related articles and notes on BMS.co.in to help you understand the concept way before you sit with your books and notes to study for the exam and it makes the entire process of learning a lot of fun.

Now that the important part of catching up on grades is taken care of, let’s take a look at the Top 5 rules of attending college events and festivals.

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1. Participate in something – the confidence boost is a great positive to your personality.

2. Cheer for friends- the feeling of having someone stand by you is so reassuring, it will give your friends moral support and the next time you are on the podium they will come up and support you, beneficial in the long run.

3. Go and attend festivals – you get a very good idea of how other college’s are; the infrastructure, the crowd, the way the organize events is very different. It’s always a great experience to know about different places, of course discovering the best canteen is going to be on top of your radar in these situations!

4. Never miss out on college parties – not all colleges are as privileged as the top colleges and the college parties the rest of the lot have are not as happening, but having a gala time with your friends is not difficult in any setting. You will enjoy much more than you would have in a swanky place with none of your friends by your side. These memories are what you keep with you of your college life and they are super important!

5. Find yourself – yes, when you debate, when you talk in an elocution, write essays, give presentations, sing, dance, act, walk the ramp or do any of the other activities in these events as a participant what is the maximum you can do if you flub you won’t win, but in the process you will get a chance to know what you are good at, what you like doing and these things have a great impact on the way you mold your future.

Balancing academics along with extra curricular’s is a must, after parties and mad times in the canteen are a must, catching early morning movie shows and lazy afternoons at marine drive are a must. Hanging out a Carter road or shopping at Hill road, going all the way to Parla to eat a vada paav or going to Mahalaxmi for strawberry and cream all are a super must and missing out on any of them would be like missing out on a few of the most important events of your college life!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.

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