Sabka Results Aa Gaya, Ab BMS ki baari Hai! ;)


With TYBMM and TYBFM Results being declared last week, the most expected TYBBI (Sem 6) and TYBAF (Sem 6) Results are out on 22nd July 2011 and 23rd July 2011 respectively!

Kool!! This time BMM and BFM Results were good with less number of KTs and Drops.

Hopefully, BAF and BBI Results turn out to be good!! 

Immediate next question “When is the highly expected TYBMS Sem 6 Results 2011?” which was promised on 15th July 2011 but as today being 23rd July 2011, NO RESULTS YET FOUND IN MANAGEMENT faculties/department till now 

Hurt as we BMSites anyways are,!!  But still BMS Rockstars never GIVE UP!

Someone just called up and asked me “What about TYBMS Results?”
My prompt reply was “Ab bacha kaun hai? Obviously, we the ROCKSTARS of BMS who have enough patience to let others win first and then prove what we are made of! So, NOW ITS OUR TURN! Expected on NEXT WEEK!” According to sources, it is First Week of August! Pata nahi ab aur kaunsa naya date batayenge! 🙁


Results kaisa hoga? IF ka paper checking kaisa hai? OR mein kitne KTs hai? BMS mein kitne Drops hai? Kitne logon ko KTs hai?

Boss, sach mein, I have no IDEA! Its MU yaar. Unpredictable and always unexpected!

Since MU and we BMS students share a big great rapport lol, lets tolerate a bit more… Wait for few days! Would get to know all details when results would be declared and you would have your marksheets in hand, then comments on FB, that “Yippey, I passed, got **%, cleared IF and OR with good marks etc etc.”

So, can we prove what we are and who we are! Yes, we can!

For Motivational articles to refresh your mind — read



Bored reading the same ones? Then go to sleep? M Yawning! 😉






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