Salman Khan: Celebrity of the Year 2014


Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been named the top celebrity of 2014 by Forbes India.

Often known as Bollywood’s Bad boy, but many-a-common-man claims that this macho hunk has a heart made of pure gold; Bollywood superstar Salman Khan beats friend Shah Rukh Khan to top Forbes India celeb list.

The Forbes list was made by taking into consideration of  the individual performance of celebrities between October 2013 and September 2014.

During this period Salman Khan had two big releases “Jai Ho” and “Kick”, the former having a good social message. Also he earned well by hosting the TV show ‘Bigg Boss’ and these must have been put him to the top of the list.


While during the same period, SRK didn’t have a single film release, his biggest blockbuster of all time “Happy New Year” was released in October 2014. That’s the reason for the demotion of King Khan to the third spot. However, he still has the highest number of brand endorsements with 22 deals in his kitty.




With Deepika Padukone being the only women in the list, below given are names of the Top Ten Celebs and their Earnings as released by Forbes India:

1. Salman Khan Rs 244.50 cr

2. Amitabh Bachchan Rs 196.75 cr

3. Shah Rukh Khan Rs 202.40 cr

4. MS Dhoni Rs 141.80 cr

5. Akshay Kumar Rs 172.00 cr

6. Virat Kohli Rs 58.43 cr

7. Aamir Khan Rs 80.47 cr

8. Deepika Padukone Rs 67.20 cr

9. Hrithik Roshan Rs 85.00 cr

10. Sachin Tendulkar Rs 59.54 cr




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