Salman Khan in Karan Johar’s “Shhuddhi”


Kjo and salman


Karan Johar has finally roped in Dabangg star Salman Khan for his dream project ‘Shhuddhi’. Salman Khan has given the nod to Shhuddhi, filmmaker Karan Johar too has announced their collaboration for the project, which will release during Diwali 2016.

Karan Johar met Salman at his Bandra residence and the duo had a meeting over the script of Shhuddhi and they departed on a positive note. After Salman’s name joined to Johar’s Ambitious project, the film may get more eyeballs.

Salman - Kareena

“SHHUDDHI will star SALMAN KHAN and will release Diwali 2016…..@shhuddhimovie,” Karan Johar tweeted to confirm the news officially.

Initially, Hrithik Roshan and Kareena kapoor were finalized as the lead pair of the film. But later Hrithik announced that he had pulled out the project. The rest of the cast of the film is yet to be finalized and there is no news about the film’s shooting schedule and other details.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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