Sam Bern’s Philosophy Of Happy Life


Sampson “Sam” Gordon Berns was an American who suffered from progeria. He was a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts. He achieved highest honors and was a percussion section leader in the high school marching band.
Progeria is rare, rapid aging disease, and Sam was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 2. He helped to raise awareness about the disease and was featured in the documentary “Life According To Sam” premiered in HBO.
Sam’s parents, Scott Berns and Leslie Gordon were both pediatricians and they established the Progeria Research Foundation to increase awareness and promote research about the disease.
Sam died on 10th January 2014 and he was planning to apply in a college where he could study genetics or cell biology.
“No matter what I choose to become, I believe that I can change the world,” he said in his TEDx talk in 2013. “And as I’m striving to change the world, I will be happy.”

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