Homosexuality, Gay marriages, Same sex marriages all these words in Indian society is seemed like a disease. This subject is mostly a taboo in Indian society & to government. As this idea of lifestyle has a great effect on Society. No doubt in the past 50 years human lifestyle has changed tremendously due to globalization & inventions of new technology.
The main problem with Indian’s is Homophobia i.e Public discussion on Homosexuality in fact sexuality in any form is rarely discussed openly. Some Indians think that homosexuality is a disease which is generated in the western countries & now it is affecting India & throwing India in the well of darkness. Indian government is also confused about sexuality & the future of homosexuals.
On July 2, 2009 Delhi High Court had made a revolutionary decision by bringing section 377 into force in Indian penal code but on December 11, 2013 Supreme(Apex) court of India overturned the decision of Delhi High Court.
Behind every darkness there is always a burning candle i.e there is always a hope for something good. In India also there are many organizations, NGO’s & many other committee who are in support for Gay marriages. So may be in near future Indian culture will accept homosexuality.