Business ethics
Answer all questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Attempt any 2sub questions from Q 1-4.
Q 1. A. What are the importance of business ethics
Q 1. B. Explain what is Ethics and what are its broad classifications
Q 1 c With help of examples elaborate the relevance of 3 Cs in Ethics
Q 2. A. Elaborate the importance of ethical leadership
Q 2. B. What are the ethical problems with International marketing and advertising
Q 2 c What are the different types of corporate crimes and elaborate the recent frauds that Indian capital markets
Q 3. A. Explain the need of corporate governance
Q 3. B. Explain the latest trends on corporate governance in India
Q 3 c Explain the Agency, Stakeholder and Stewardship theory on Corporate Governance
Q4. A. Explain the various ethical issues in international business
Q 4. B. Explain the Saachar committee and the TATA ethical index
Q 4 c Explain some CSR initiatives taken by India companies
Q5. A pharma company recently was heard violating norms relating to manufacturing of drugs. Drugs and medicines being a very important part of human life analyse the ethical norms followed by companies to upkeep their responsibilities towards various stake holders. Also assuming you being an insider from the company and observe mis representation of facts and faulty manufacturing processes, what would you do.  Also bring out the importance checks and balances on insider trading and whistle blowing (15 marks)
Source:- Vipin Saboo Tutorials
For any further clarifications, please contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873
Can you tell me the answer of Q2-A, Q2-B and Q3-B From Sample Prelim Paper of Ethics of TYBMS. If you can just mail me the answer by just telling me the page nos of these answers from vipul publications.