Samsung Galaxy Note 4 To Be Unveiled On September 3



Spilling the beans on the anticipated Note 4, the Korean Times said that the device is to be unveiled on September 3 ahead of its rival Apple’s iPhone phablet iPhone 6 which is to be unveiled in the same month.

The unveiling will be done a few days prior to the Germany IFA trade fair, which is also the biggest tech exhibition. This might seems as a rush by the South Korean firm in order to get their device first in the market.

The Korean Times also stated that the Note 4 will have enhanced hardware specifications than the Galaxy S5.

Note 4 will comprise of a superior hardware, better than the Galaxy S5, with an AMOLED display and a metal frame. A curved version of the Note 4 is also to be launched which would not be aimed to the masses.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be the first smartphone with a UV sensor to measure the UV radiation levels for the health app. The price and exact specs of the device are not yet revealed.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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