Samsung Galaxy S5 with 4G @ Rs. 53,500


S5 4G

Another device from Samsung, the Galaxy S5 with 4G LTE variant is here in India. In order to revive the S5 brand, the company continues to come out with one or the other version of the handset after short gaps. This isn’t helping the South Korean smartphone maker. The S5 has failed to impress smartphone lovers around the world.


Samsung’s top-selling device is actually lagging behind the last generation Apple handset namely iPhone 5.

The flagship S5 with 4G comes with Qualcomm 8974 Pro 2.5 GHz processor and supports eight 4G LTE bands. The Galaxy S5 comes with a marginal bigger display. It comes with 5.1 inch full HD display when compared to 5 inches of the existing version in the market. I am amazed as to why Sammy has still put in just 2GB of RAM in this so expensive handset. It comes with 16GB of internal storage that is expandable by 128GB with the help microSD card. When it comes to camera, the 4G version has 16 mega pixel back camera, besides 2MP front camera for selfie and video chatting. When it comes to operating system you will get Android 4.4.2 Kitkat out of the box.

The price of the device is sky-high at Rs. 53,500.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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