Samsung To Take On Moto E With A Low – Budget Phone


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South Korean Smartphone maker Samsung is all set to compete with Moto E in India which received a massive response on the No. 1 E-commerce giant Flipkart. The Swedish support page of Samsung shows the highly powered low budget device with three variants. Some leaked specifications of the device include  features like a 4.3 480X800 pixels display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor and 1GB RAM. The smartphone is expected to come with an 8GB built-in storage capacity, 5-megapixel rear camera and 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera, Bluetooth, WiFi connectivity, GPS which are regular in most of the Android phones. The phone is expected at 6,000INR (source NDTV Gadget to Use).

This device (model no. SM-G350E) will house Android 4.4 KitKat which would be a surprising element as most of the other smartphone makers are yet upgrading to KitKat except the Nexus.

Other variants with model nos. SM-G357M, SM-G357F and SM-G350E (dual-SIM).

The Moto E has forced the South Korean giant to focus on the budget segment of the market as the other brands like Micromax and Lava have already launched their devices at similar prices.

Micromax Unite 2, Canvas Engage and the Lava IrisX1 are the devices present in the market.


–          By Anand Thakkar


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