Sapphire 2010


Sapphire’10 is Intercollegiate festival of Reena Mehta College (RMC), Surfacing 9th & 10th December.

SAPPHIRE – derived from a Greek word symbolizing light, joy and purity. According to Greeks, Sapphire overseas and attracts one’s mission in life instilling hope and joy during the journey.

RMC has chosen Sapphire because it wants to bring the hope of fulfilling every dreams and desires of the audiences. Sapphire showcases a wide range of events that can help to achieve the ambience of entertaining you all.

Theme – Free Spirit

Free Spirit

It is something which is completely based on your own themes, shades and way to create. So guys here is the chance to gear up and also make us feel proud. Free spirit is a theme, been introduced to show your own way to express things. In the world of explorers, you are a FREE SPIRIT. Something of a thrill seeker, jamming satisfies your insatiable need for the excitement and exotism. You like the best of everything and want to be with others who feels the same way. You have a lot of energy and want to see and do everything. It all adds to the fun.


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