Satyameva Jayate – Changing the face of Television



We know how thrilling it is to watch a much – loved Bollywood celeb reiterating a belief that we can make about a difference in our nation.A program romanticizing the idea of nationalism.

Truly what Satyameva Jayate managed to do. The program did not only spread know – how about these issues but truly did make about few changes.The programme highlighting key issues that really required addressibility like rape, dowry,child – labour and the list goes on. Sparking discussions that otherwise remain forever closeted was a great thing about the program.

The perfectionist himself make efforts, personally met people and took care of the fact that everything was going about orderly.People felt so involved in the program that it gained really high TRPs. You aren’t able to even avert your gaze while watching that program.

It engages you incredibly and the campaigns and changes brought out make you feel so much better about the fact that changes are actually being made. Aamir Khan indeed did not just justice to the show but every time he spoke to someone else his humility shone forth. It needed a perfectionist to get us on the cusp of small but great change and to change the face of television by tugging at even the most cynical heart – strings.


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Riya Lokhande


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