Saudi Arabia uncovers a terrorist group


2014-06-07-01-40-13-1646255916                        Saudi Arabia has dismantled a terrorist organisation with links to extremists in Syria and Yermen  that had been plotting to assassinate officials and attack government and foreign targets.                                                                                                                       The group comprised 62 members,including 59 Saudi militants,a Yemeni,a Pakistani and a Palestinian. In a live televised briefing,it was revealed that the network had links to the ultra – hard line Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil),which is both a powerful Islamist force in Syria ‘s war and an anti – government combatant across the border in turbulent Iraq.He said that some members of the cell were still at large.The group who had massive amount of cash,had smuggled weapons across the Yemeni border.                                                                                     The Gulf Military Analysis quoted,”We have been concerned  that there would have been two groups linked together on both sides of the Kingdom with what appears to be plans to attack targets in Saudi Arabia.”         images-4                                                                                                            -MISBAAH MANSURI

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Riya Lokhande


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