BMS Ko Bol Dunga: Save The Charm Of BMS!


bms ko bol dunga

Hello Every one this is Yatin Patil a BMS Alumni, and I want to share some issues with you which have been bothering me.

BMS (Bachelor Of Management Studies) is an excellent course for students who have special interest in the field of management. But what is this! As per the new circular passed on by Mumbai University Industrial Visits and presentations are not mandatory any more!


Being a BMS student I can understand the burden of PPT presentation, some times it totally destroys our daily time schedule but if you want to stand tall in the field of commerce and management  you need skills and these skills is very well provided by BMS course to student. Many of us may get relief by the circular but this relief is just a temporary phase!

If you are looking for MBA you need to work harder and before entering in to post graduation, you need to make sure your all skills right from communication skills to interaction skills should be improved, and if you do not start here it will be a tough time for you ahead.

As a full time MBA student, we study almost 10 subject per semester which contains almost 20 live assignments so if you don’t have this skills you will struggle a lot.

Even I believe the BMS students attitude and personality after course is really improvised but what will be the scenario if the BMS degree will count in a row of BCOM?  can you all predict what all changes will happen ? you may not be analyze it now. If you are enjoying this news, you are loosing out in your skills development, you are loosing all the hard earned money which was  spent over a course almost 5 times more than the B.Com course fees.

I think we all BMS students should be united and protest this action. If you really wish to have Industrial visits and presentations then stand in a group be united and ask for a revolution in BMS.

Some Faculties may get relief but you should not give them relief , ask college authority and try to conduct Industrial Visits and Presentations. Because its all about your Rights!

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management student by profession working with creativity and ambition to acquire world class knowldge about management and share it across the world. i always believe in self motivation, ethics, social responsibility and more important hard work which makes me strong enough to stand in corporate.


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