Save water save life


Water being one of the most essential necessity of life, becoming an increasing scare resource, needs careful planning and management. Availability of safe quality drinking water is being reduced due to pollution from sewage and industrial waste. So water should be meticulously harnessed and carefully conserved. It should be economically used and safely disposed off after usage.

The need of the hour is sustainable water management, specially in the context of meeting the demands of an increasing population. Simply put, it means managing our finite water resources for present needs while keeping in mind the future requirement of next generation. It also means looking at fresh water as an exhaustible, natural and essential resource and seeing watershed areas as sustainable units of water resource development and management.

Uttarakhand State, whose glacial peaks and beautiful valleys hold age-old ecological secretes, is a measure water bank for North India. Its 1917 glaciers spreading over 3550 Sq. km, comprise a perennial source of water. The state is largely made up of mountainous areas full of forest, which cradle many rivers and natural water sources. These natural sources are nourished by rain water, which is the biggest source of water on this planet.

Ironically, today the people of these mountainous areas are in the vice-like grip of water scarcity. Increasing population has resulted in an unsustainable demand for water, soil erosion in watershed areas, increasing silting of rivers and streams, and depletion of groundwater reserves.

Uttarakhand receives an average annual rainfall of 1240 mm, much of which flows into the rivers. If we conserved a bare 0.68% of this rainwater, it would fulfill the drinking water requirement of Uttarakhand. The conservation of 2.36% would suffice irrigation requirement. It means the conservation of a mere 3% of annual rainfall holds the key to the alleviation of the State’s woes!

Considering the importance of water as a life sustaining resource we should launch intensive awareness campaigns for optimum water utilization and management. We should give information on different techniques of water collection, conservation and harvesting.

To save water, the ground water table should be properly recharged by water harvesting schemes (making roof harvesting structures). The ancient Naulas, Dharas, Gadharas, Khals and Ponds should be protected from being polluted at their source because these are the main sources of drinking water schemes. The quality of drinking water should also be monitored. Further, linking water conservation programs with Income generating activities will also be beneficial. So water should be save and conserved.
Water is an interesting issue. As with all of Nature it is a symbiotic factor in a greater whole, and an element all life depends on. As we degrade our soils, poison our land and remove the natural catchments for runoff through deforestation and removal of trees; as we fill in our waterways and natural filtering systems in the name of development and progress; as we dam up rivers destroying natural eco-systems, we completely upset the natural scheme of things that water needs to flow and filter clean water for us all.

How Valuable Water is?

Three things no one can’t live without are Oxygen, Water and Food. No one can live without Water. But do you know how precious is water and how much pure water we have in world.

If 10 years ago someone had given suggestion to sell the pure water, I’m sure people made good joke or laughed a lot on him. But nowadays mineral or purified water is billion dollar industry. People are ready to spend 20 rupees for water bottle, because we know it’s not easy to get pure or clean water.

One thing is sure; in future we are going to get shortage of clean water. In India you can see water shortage in every state, whether it’s capital of India, Delhi or a village of Bihar. People can’t get clean water easily.

Here are some water facts to remember:

Less than 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for drinkingMore than a billion people around the globe survive on just over 1 gallon (4 liters) of water per dayPotentially more than 3 billion people may suffer from water shortages by the year 202566% of the human body is waterA person can only live without water for approximately one week
Some of Facts about, How valuable clean Water are:· More than 4 million people died due to water related diseases.· 98% of water realted diseases occured in developing countries.· It takes about 300 litres of water to make the paper for just one Sunday newspaper. So use paper as less as you can, use E-mail and electronic sources more.· On average, women in Africa and Asia have to walk 3.7 miles to collect water. It can be more in rural villages of India.· In India alone, water born diseases cost the economy 73 million working days per year.· Global sales of bottled water account for over $60-$80 billion each year.· A child dies of water born diseases about every 15 Seconds.him1


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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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