Scaling Down Will NOT Be Applicable For BMS From The Academic Year 2015-16



The Principals of the affiliated Colleges, the Heads of the Recognized Institutions concerned are hereby informed that the recommendation made by the Faculty of Science has been accepted by the Academic Council at its meeting held on 29th May 2015 and subsequently approved by the Management Council at its meeting held on 27th June 2015.

Regulation 8435 and 8668 regarding the scaling down the marks is available on the University’s website ( and that the same has been brought into force with effect from the academic year 2015-16.

Regulation 8668:

Scaling down the marks obtained by the learner at the internal examination as compared to the marks obtained by the learner in the semester end theory examination in the course concerned has been amended and now it shall be read as follows:

1) Scaling down will not be applicable for all semester and all programs (Aided and unaided) of Under Graduates for CBSGS under the faculty of Arts, Commerce and Science with effect from 2015-16.

2) It will continue to be applicable for all semester and all programs (aided and unaided ) of Post Graduates for CBSGS under the faculty of Arts, Commerce and Science with effect from 2015-16.

You can check the official circular here: The scaling down the marks in the internal examination for UG and PG prgrammes

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